Virus Alerts

If you need files to test your anti-virus scheme, try this url: 


Question: The O-L calender has the import feature nowadays. Do you have any plans to add the export feature (to Outlook for example)?

Answer: No. Especially to Outlook. Outlook tops the list of the "most dangerous software" packages available today. Anyone that uses Outlook for mail is only a "preview of a message" away from infecting not only their system but any other system that they are connected to on the network. We feel it would be irresponsible for us to do anything that encourages someone to switch from a relatively secure package like Office-Logic to something that is in the media almost daily as a security risk. Office-Logic version 8 has more features than Outlook and is without question, more secure. We think it is the responsible thing to do. One of the reasons we have upgraded Office-Logic InterChange to support Exchange is an attempt to help protect those sites that, for whatever reason, whether political or ignorance, are still trying to support Outlook and/or Exchange Server.


To prevent your friends and neighbors from infecting your network with the nasty virus files (perhaps unintentionally with Outlook

Office-Logic Groupware version 8.x Administrators should IMMEDIATELY add the following lines to their OL.INI file, replacing the existing lines:

;List of attachment extensions that are considered executable
; user will be warned before executing
ExecuteExtensions=exe ade adp bas bat chm cmd com cpl crt eml hlp hta inf ins isp js jse lnk mdb mde msc msi msp mst ole pcd pif reg scr sct shb shs url vb vbe vbs wsc wsf wsh wmd wmz

;Allow executable attachments to be executed
; enabled if 1 or 3; disabled if 0 or 2; overridable if 2 or 3


Above Revised 11/1/2001

Added "msi","ole","pcd","shb","url","wsc","wsf", and "wmz"  to the list of "bad" attachment extensions due the terrible way that Outlook handles virus and worm code attached to mail messages..


Above Revised 10/1/2001

Added "eml" to the list of "bad" attachment extensions due the terrible way that Outlook handles virus and worm code attached to mail messages..


NOTE: The above entries have 2 lines that begin with semicolons (;) that are comments. The third line is the one that sets the configuration and has the list of attachment extensions that may be executable files. 


By setting the "ExecuteAttachments=2", Office-Logic will prevent your users from executing any file attachments that have extensions listed. This will prevent your computers from being infected and since Office-Logic doesn't use the Windows Address Book, you won't send the virus to anyone else... unless of course you have that unsafe Outlook client configured and have people in your address book. If you need help making your mail system safe, please contact us.


OUTLOOK and OUTLOOK Express can still cause you GRIEF!

Office-Logic will not propagate the "Melissa" type virus itself, your users can execute the file and Outlook installed on the system will still send out to the OUTLOOK ADDRESS BOOK. This means that if you are going to leave Outlook installed (and we can't think of a reason why!), at least clear the address book so that the user doesn't resend the virus. If you need help in configuring Office-Logic so you can eliminate any need for Outlook, please contact us.


Foot-And-Mouth Believed To Be First Virus Unable To Spread Through Microsoft Outlook

Atlanta, Ga. ( Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Symantec's AntiVirus Research Center today confirmed that "foot-and-mouth" disease cannot be spread by Microsoft's Outlook email application, believed to be the first time the program has ever failed to propagate a major virus.

"Frankly, we've never heard of a virus that couldn't spread through Microsoft Outlook, so our findings were, to say the least, unexpected," said Clive Sarnow, director of the CDC's infectious disease unit.

The study was immediately hailed by British officials, who said it will save millions of pounds and thousands of man hours. "Up until now we have, quite naturally, assumed that both foot-and-mouth and mad cow were spread by Microsoft Outlook," said Nick Brown, Britain's Agriculture Minister. "By eliminating it, we can focus our resources elsewhere."

However, researchers in the Netherlands, where foot-and-mouth has recently appeared, said they are not yet prepared to disqualify Outlook, which has been the progenitor of viruses such as "I Love You," "Bubbleboy," "Anna Kournikova," and "Naked Wife," to name but a few.

Said Nils Overmars, director of the Molecular Virology Lab at Leiden University: "It's not that we don't trust the research, it's just that as scientists, we are trained to be skeptical of any finding that flies in the face of established truth. And this one flies in the face like a blind drunk sparrow."

Executives at Microsoft, meanwhile, were equally skeptical, insisting that Outlook's patented Virus Transfer Protocol (VTP) has proven virtually pervious to any virus. The company, however, will issue a free VTP patch if it turns out the application is not vulnerable to foot-and-mouth.

Such an admission would be embarrassing for the software giant, but Symantec virologist Ariel Kologne insisted that no one is more humiliated by the study than she is. "Only last week, I had a reporter ask if the foot-and-mouth virus spreads through Microsoft Outlook, and I told him, 'Doesn't everything?'" she recalled. "Who would've thought?"

Copyright2001, SatireWire


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